Merchant Tutorial
Add Multiple Restaurants, Add Food Details, Collect Payment
The Merchant Mobile App Is Set Up To Better Satisfy The Needs Of Waiting Customers And Help Restaurants More Efficiently Manage Reservations.
Set the food category, the kitchen department licensed by the kitchen, and the printer used (if the kitchen is selected in the ordering process). Food inventory used for inventory transactions. Food menu sorted by category. The user app’s food permits dine-in, delivery and self-collection. Food discount prices. Issue a subpoena to the customer. Staff management. Booking management. Restaurant table management. Reward points management.
Tap the Dingg Dingg icon on the main screen to open the application after the download is completed.
Click the Register button, enter your user name (at least 6 characters) and password (at least 8 characters), and confirm the password again. Click the Next button. Then enter the step 2, where you need to fill in the information about the restaurant.
- First, you have to click the checkbox to tick and to indicate that your store is a stall in the food court, and enter the name of the food court. If your store does not belong to this category, ignore it and don’t click to tick.
- Next choose a representative photo of your restaurant, such as the restaurant’s logo.
- Then fill in the Name, Description, Type filter (up to 5 items), Email address (for account activation) and Phone number of the Restaurant.
- Mark the location of your Restaurant.
- Enter the percentage of SST (if applicable), business hours and then select the order food procedure method, payment method, delivery method and add restaurant table number. Next, drag the toggle switch to indicate “I comfirmed that I accept the privacy policy.”
- Finally click the Submit button to complete the registration.
You need to check the email and click the button “Activate my account” to confirm the account.
Go back to the login screen of the app, enter the user name and password to log in.
Add menu category: After logging in, you need to add the menu categories, can add more than one.
Add food: Select the food category and kitchen department, then add a description, name, price to the food, choose whether there have a discount, and finally add a photo for the food. You can also select
Add more option, such as size, topping or limited quantity.
Click side menu on top right icon, then Settings -> Table Setup -> Add Table
Included in the Homepage
If a new customer wants to spend in the restaurant, you can choose a table and order for the customer here. In addition, you can also add on meals for existing customers.
The table of the restaurant selected by the customer will be displayed here. You can press the Payment button when the customer wants to complete the payment or continue to add on. You can also download and print the QR code of the table here.
If a customer places an order, it will display the order data, such as order number, customer name and food. You can click the Confirm button to confirm the order, Cancel button to cancel the order or continue add on. (Orders for delivery and self-pick-up will also be displayed here for easy processing)
If you select “Order food to kitchen then serve food to customer then make payment” or “Order food to kitchen then make payment” for Order Food Procedure in register or edit restaurant then food ordered will appear in the kitchen list when the order is confirmed.
If you select “Serve food to customer then make payment” for Order Food Procedure in register or edit restaurant then food ordered will appear in the food serving when the order is confirmed.
If you select “Serve food to customer then make payment” for Order Food Procedure in register or edit restaurant then food ordered will appear directly in the collect payment. You can process the payment here to help the customer complete the consumption when the customer finishes the meal.
Used to process the reservation list and view the confirmed booking and cancelled bookings.
Can view all orders, such as pending orders and completed orders. The monthly sales total will be displayed when you clickand select the month and year. If you only select year then total sales for selected year will be displayed.
If the customer chooses to pick up by himself, the order data will be displayed here and it will be convenient for you to collect payment. It will appear only you tick on the Self Pickup when register or edit restaurant. Then, you can also share order link to customers here.
If the customer chooses food delivery, the order data will be displayed here and it will be convenient for you to collect payment. It will appear only you tick on the Delivery Option and setup delivery detail when register or edit restaurant. Then, you can also share order link to customers here.
Check customer feedback and comments on the restaurant at any time.
Click the icon in the upper right of the homepage, and the options for Settings, Tutorial and Log Out will be displayed here. You can choose to Setting and enter to Restaurant List to edit various information of the restaurant.
Included in the Restaurant List:
This item is only for the stalls in the food court. After adding this item, the food court may be displayed in the same location with multiple stalls and use the same table number.
Edit Restaurant:
You can reset your restaurant information here, such as Restaurant name, address, email or business hours, etc. Finally click Submit button to complete the change.
Menu Category:
You can add menu categories, delete existing categories or control the permission to show the category in customer app.
Food Menu:
Here you can manage the food in the menu, such as adjusting the food name, price, deleting food options or control the permission to show the food in customer app.
Table Setup:
Used to manage restaurant table numbers and QR codes.
Disabled booking:
Provided to customers with disabilities to book restaurant times.
Kitchen Department:
Different restaurant departments can be added to facilitate the assignment of staff duties.
Introduction of DINGG DINGG Mobile Application
Merchant Registration
Merchant Login